Welcome to Bunny Hill Farm

Coming to you from Dutchess County, New York! My name is Yasmine...... I live here with my husband and my 6 children, Justice, Noah, Isaac, Asher, Petra, and Eden! We homeschool, homechurch, HOMEbirth(totally awesome, btw), and raise our own laying chickens for eggs, and even raise meat chickens from time to time! I'm hoping to get a couple piglets to hide in one corner of our 60 acre property, and hide from the stinkiness that IS pig before it becomes bacon.... Justice (12) takes care of her own 2 horses , and Noah (10)takes care of the laying chickens and the 2 goats that escape from their pen and have become our dogs that will greet you on our pretty front porch. Isaac, Asher, and Petra are best friends that most of the time are creating Lego thingamabobs...and Eden, my baby...she is my 1 1/2 year old princess.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This is What Chris likes to do in a storm , use the tractor to make REALLY big piles of snow for a ramp...


  1. I guess does not look TOO big from the bottom! HAHA

  2. Oh how beautiful are these memories!!

    I am a new follower of yours, and have just realiased that you don't have YOUR name anywhere! I guess raising 6 kids who only ever call you Mum it would be hard to lose your name!! haha..

    I am new to blogging too, so glad to finally meet a newbie like me! you can find me over at..


    Can't wait to see what God has in stall for you all in 2011 :]


  3. yo yo yo .. that was a fun day! Hey time for some more blogging :)
